This campaign started out as a shirt design for San Diego Coffee Shop, Heartwork Coffee Bar.
The coffee shop works with different designers to come up with new shirts for the season.
This design was for their summer campaign.
This design was for their summer campaign.

Once the shirt was mocked up, I worked with the client to develop a
bigger concept over all to promote their summer campaign.
bigger concept over all to promote their summer campaign.

We came up with a concept to debut the shirt at a party for the coffee shop.
Once we finalized the details, I designed this poster that would be used to advertise the event around the neighborhood.

I designed this skateboard deck for the coffee shop to raffle off at the shirt premiere party.

Once all the pieces were finalized I mocked up an event landing page for Heartwork.
The idea was to use the event landing page as an RSVP portal so the client would get an idea on how many people were showing up (and to get generate new customers through a newsletter subscription.)